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Published 16/07/2024

Port towns and the control of river and maritime zones in the Middle Ages : a comparative study between western France and northern Castile

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Published 16/07/2024

The business world and French arsenals, 17-18th century

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Published 16/07/2024

French Atlantic ports for the maritime transport of food products in 18th century

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Published 16/07/2024

Port hierarchy and polarization of shipping in France on the eve of the French Revolution: a plea for a systemic approach

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Published 16/07/2024

The French port, theatre of shipping disputes (1850-1940)

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Published 16/07/2024

Ports in a colonial situation: questioning the relevance of a concept. The case of the French Empire from the 16th to the 20th century

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Published 16/07/2024

The modernization of commercial ports in the 19th century or the permanent adjustment process

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Published 16/07/2024

The place of sailors in port cities, through the example of 19th century Le Havre

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Published 16/07/2024

The “Île Longue” naval base

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Published 16/11/2018

Taxes and maritime activity in eighteenth-century French ports - Inquiry Chardon 1781-1785

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